RubyKaigi 2025 Sponsorship Application Form

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring RubyKaigi 2025. Please fill in the information for the main contact, invoice details, and your company information.

We will be accepting sponsorship applications until the end of March. Some packages, e.g. Ruby and Platinum, end application early than this deadline. This is subject to change, so please understand that this application form may close early without prior notice.

For additional details and conditions, please refer to the sponsorship prospectus:

Please feel free to shoot an email to if you have any questions.

Point of Contact

Enter alternate email addresses (comma separated). Announcements will be CC'd to these addresses. Note that these CC addresses cannot be used for logging into sponsor portal.

Billing Information

Use this field especially if you have: requirement of contract or submitting form, explicit due date for a bill...

Sponsorship Package

See the sponsorship prospectus for package details.

We plan to select Ruby and Platinum sponsors at random. Application of those package tiers will close at 31 January 2025. We'll send an announcement once we selected Ruby and Platinum sponsors.

If you're interested in a custom sponsorship package, please read the 'Custom Sponsorship Package' page in the sponsorship prospectus. Then choose a equivalent plan that matches with your budget from below, and fill proposal in the additional note field.

Pick a plan:

Sponsor Booth

Sponsor booth is only applicable for sponsors in Ruby and Platinum plan as a paid add-on. (500,000 JPY, tax excluded)

The availability of booths are limited, so we plan to select exhibitors at random. Requests must be made by 31 January 2025.

For details, please read Ruby & Platinum Sponsorship Availability page and Sponsor Booth page in the sponsorship prospectus.

Your selected plan is uneligible for booths; only available in Ruby, Platinum plan

Sponsor Information

Please provide a short introduction of your company. Note that the length of the introduction will vary depending on the sponsorship plan you chose.


Upload your company logo file for the sponsors page in our website, and the venue onsite. Please make sure your file is in vector format (like .ai, .eps, .svg). If you have multiple files, archive them into a .zip file.



Use the following field for anything you want let us know in advance.


Please read the following policies and all agree to avide by. Note that the policy is required for all participants including attendees and booth staff:

Also please read our sponsorship prospectus: